
The Son of Psoriasis.

So I very recently discovered that that book by Hemingway is actually called The Sun Also Rises.
What a nice title for a book. Just four short, easily decipherable words. NO.

I must've only ever heard it being spoken about on TV and suchlike and never actually saw the book in physical form because I have spent a lifetime thinking it was called THE SON OF PSORIASIS for craps' sake.

I should get trophies for reaching new levels of retardom.

I've kind of always pictured it being about some awkward "coming of age" dude, (suffering from of a long-term bout of psoriasis, conveniently) stumbling about life, trying to find his way all the while feeling controlled by his infliction. Whatever.

Way to go Scottish education system, way to go.

1 comment:

  1. it's k love, I get things like that too, and no one will correct me, it would be me to find out months later and think back and be like "oh for frack sakes, why did not anyone tell me!" The book looks very adoring, and I know people say "dont judge a book by it's cover" but I just cant help it and I dooo want to read it!

    loving your tiny pretty blog, shall follow so I can come back! oui *nods*

