
I, Sir Emmalot, hereby pledge from this day until the 17th day of May to refrain from purchasing new items of clothing.
My reasons for doing such are as follows;
  1. I have a heck-load of clothes. A heck-load of clothes whom I claim not to like. These clothes spend their precious little lives hidden at the bottom of wardrobes or drawers. They are constantly overlooked in favour of prettier clothings. I vow to go forth and show these clothes the loving they deserve!
  2. I am rather horrendously in debt. Yet despite this, I seem to spend an average of £100-£200 a month on said clothing items who casually sit on top of uglier (albeit very wearable) other items of clothing. My simple calculations tell me that by refraining from new purchases I will soon see the light at the other end of my overdraft.
  3. I don't know my clothes very well. I don't know which items are true staples in my wardrobe. By doing this exercise I will hopefully be able to downsize my wardrobe to what is really needed. And then It will be much easier to get dressed in the morning.
  4. There rarely comes a day when I can see my room below the various mountains of clothing it possesses.

My only exceptions from the plan are as follows;

  1. I may purchase clothing only from money I have made by selling old clothes on ebay.
  2. I can sew up anything I like, so long as I do not spend money on materials.
  3. I will allow myself one emergency purchase. Think of it as my "Get out of jail free" card. For example, someone may decide to invite me to a purple pajama party. If this occurs I will not want to miss out on such a valuable social affair and will use my emergency purchase card to purchase said purple pajamas.


Lets see how it goes...

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